Object & Rules
1. The name of the Union shall be the
2. Unless the context requires a different meaning. "THE UNION" means "THE WELSH HOMING PIGEON UNION"."SOCIETY" means any Club
established for the promotion of the Sport of Pigeon Racing or Showing Affiliation to the Union. "FEDERATION" means any Association of
Societies. "MEMBER" means a Member of the Union. "EXECUTIVE BODY" means the EXECUTIVE of the Union constituted as here-in-after provided. "SECRETARY" means the Secretary of the Union.
3. The Objects of the Union are:-
(a) To control the Pigeon Fancy in Wales, for the benefit both economic and administrative of all its Members.
(b) To encourage the Sport of Long Distance Flying.
(c) To arbitrate, and adjudicate in all cases and disputes brought to its notice and to maintain
through its administration the discipline and interest of its Members.
(d) The establishment of a Uniform System of Measurement for all flying routes, a Uniform Running Allowance, and the securing
of a Uniform System of Timing.