Clock Rules
1. Only clocks approved by the Union shall be used in Races for the purpose of timing in. The following clocks have been
accepted by the Union.
Electronic Timing Systems.
Tipes UK
Toulets (with square spindle from 1970).
Benzing (modified to prevent wrong setting).
Le Continental (lock to be riveted to lid).
Simplex (non-fakeable).
Belgica (fitted with all patents).
Invincible 6 Bird.
Rex, Gerrard, Phoenix and Phoenix Premier.
Abel (with fixed back and locking and opening puncture).
Rotherham (fitted with dolometer).
Skymaster (fitted with dolometer).
S.T.B. (fitted with all patents and modifications).
Easy Way (modified to prevent wrong setting).
Benzing Comatic (with glass face).
Benzing 261-301.
Benzing Computer Clock.
Toulet-Super, Junior Timer (printing clock) T1,T2,T3.
Kovo Clock (printing clock).
Girod Printing Timer.
The Junior Quartz computer and Racemaster 11.
L A Ladoise.
Any clock not mentioned can be placed before the Committee for approval. All printing clocks must use the rolls provided
by the makers, and printing pads must be attended to for renewal when required. Where certain clocks require open
thimbles, these must be inserted OPEN END DOWN. All clocks fitted with a sealing device must be sealed with the special
Welsh Homing Pigeon Union Clock Seals before being issued for a race and the Seal Number Recorded. Cylindrical
telescopic thimbles will be optional when timing in arrivals. Clocks listed below are exempt: Skymaster, Gerrard, Invincible
Six Bird, and Benzing Comatic 25 bird.
2. All clocks having passed the annual compulsory Three Way Test, under provisions of Clock Rule 21, must remain in Club
Headquarters thereafter except under provisions of Clock Rule 9.
3. Should any clock gain or lose time at a rate of more than two minutes variation in 24 hours, a fast clock shall be regarded
as correct and a slow clock shall have double the time added.
4. The Federation, Club or Chief Clock Setter have the power to detain any clock, and the owner has the right to be present
when this clock is impounded and the owner must be informed when they consider the examination of the said clock.
5. Master timers and control clocks should leave a permanent record of each stage between start and finish of each race.
Should the Master Timer stop between setting and checking then it may be reset using the Greenwich time signal/Tim and
Radio Controlled Clocks. A clock that is being used as a Master Timer must not be used to record arrivals.
6. (a) Should a clock stop or is rendered useless, he or she shall time into the first available clock set for that race, such clock
will be disqualified for said race, and returned intact for inspection by the Clock Committee as appointed at the Annual
General Meeting.
(b) In the event of a bird or birds being timed in races of two or more days and the competitor having had his or her clock
check punched with the Master Timer then these pigeons prior to the check punch would be safe should the clock stop
before being raked out. Clocks must be returned to the Club intact for inspection by the Clock Committee. Should a clock
stop after timing an arrival and not having had a check punch with the Master Timer then that clock will be disqualified.
7. When taking the variation the total gain or loss of a clock to be averaged through the hours which the clock has run. When
the gain or loss has been found, same to be added or deducted as the case may be only up to the time of the arrival
8. All clocks must be at the Checking Station within a reasonable time after timing an arrival, and competitors may make
such arrangements as they think fit for this purpose, but no responsibility for delays, etc, that may arise from any cause,
will be taken by a Club or Federation. In all instances clocks must be handed in for checking within twenty-two (22) hours
of timing first and successive arrivals.
9. Should a Member require his clock for a race other than a Club Race i.e. National/Open Races, application for same to be
made, when the clock will be given out under seal. All clocks to be returned to the Parent Club under seal, where the clock
was presented for three (3) way testing. Under no circumstances has a competitor to retain possession of an unsealed
clock during the racing season. In the event of a clock being returned to the Parent Club not under seal or sealed to
the satisfaction of the Chief Clock Setter and either the Secretary, Chairman or President of the Club, the clock will be
rendered ineligible for competition until such time as the same shall has been re-run in accordance with clock Rules 2 and
21 and each Club shall be entitled to fix a fee for such re-run not exceeding £5 as part of its domestic Rules.
10. Members should be issued by Parent Club with a certificate confirming that their clock has passed the Three-Way-Test for
that year. This certificate to accompany clocks to all National and Open Races.
11. Clocks to be read to the last second past and the exact proportion of the total variation applied.
12. Clocks competing under Welsh Homing Pigeon Union Rules must have the approved size glasses fitted and all glasses
must be intact.
13. Under no circumstances shall a Member, including Clock Setter, set or check or withdraw thimbles or rubbers from his
own clock.
14. All clocks set for competition must be set to receive a thimble or rubber in the first receptacle available for that particular
make of clock. It is the competitors responsibility to ensure when taking possession of the clock that it is on number one
(1) cylinder.
15. Clock Setters to examine clock to ascertain if receptacle is empty and clock in order before checking.
16. A puncturing clock must show a full complement of punctures.
17. Greenwich Wireless Time or T.I.M. and Radio Controlled Clocks must be used in connection with all clocks and Master
18. Should the velocity of any competitor's bird or birds appear unreasonable or impossibly in advance of other birds on day of
race, the said competitor's clock be detained by the Club, and if necessary to be submitted to the Federation Committee
Meeting following the Race.
19. Any Member may have two or more clocks set for any race but must number such clocks one (1). two (2), etc. Number two
(2) and subsequent clocks will be allowed for use only if number one (1) clock stops, is rendered useless, or if fully and
ready for checking, or has been submitted or taken away from the competitor's loft for checking or striking the same
against the Master Timer in accordance with the provisions of Clock Rules 6a and/or Rule 8.
(a) In addition to Clock Rule 19, in races when birds are singularly rubbered, a clock containing a rubber that does not
comply with any rubber number on the pool sheet, then that rubber time shall be discounted, and all other correct rubbers
in the clock be allowed and that clock NOT be termed "RENDERED USELESS".
(b) In cases where birds are double rubbered, should any rubber in the number one (1) clock, not comply with a rubber on
the pool sheet, then the appropriate time in Number two (2) clock be allowed, provided this number on pool sheet. Should a
competitor's clock stop he or she may time into the first available clock set for the race, placing his or her name in the
thimble or with rubber ring and must make a statement concerning same, which must be returned to Club Headquarters
with the faulty clock intact for examination. Where race entries are double rung a competitor may time the second race
rubber simultaneously into another clock set for the race together with name, and a velocity may be calculated from times
taken from this clock but only where the clock containing the first race ring stops or is rendered useless. Time allowance
for reaching such clocks shall be five (5) minutes per mile on foot, three (3) minutes per mile on cycle, or two (2) minutes
per mile by motor propelled vehicle.
20. All clocks & Master Timers used in competition must be set the day previous to the date of the race, except Electro-
Mechanical and Electronic clocks which may be set the day of marking and clock dials must be signed the night of setting,
complete with the name of the competitor and the date, also the signatures of two (2) Member Lofts present at the setting.
In the event of a clock stopping before timing in, it can be reset by the Master Timer. A clock may be reset after being
opened for checking the first arrival, in two or three races, for the timing of successive arrivals. At the raking out of clocks, three (3) Members lofts must be present other than the Member whose clock is being checked. One (1) ring container or
rubber only shall be taken at a time from the clock and checked.
21. Wind-up clocks used in competition must be subject to a Three-Way-Test. The positions for the test must be Normal, On
Face, On Back. The tolerance allowable for this Test is Plus or Minus One (1) Minute. The tolerance should be applied to the
run of the clock in the Normal Position. Clocks must be run for twenty-four (24) hours in each of the aforementioned
positions. Respective dials to be kept in safekeeping of Club Secretaries. ALL WIND-UP MASTER TIMERS AND WIND-UP
21a. Electro-Mechanical, Electronic and Print-outs. Clocks in this category submitted for use in competition shall be tested by Clubs for a period not less than twenty four (24) hours, which , any gain or loss must be the same tolerances and
parameters as wind-up clocks, in the normal operating position. A record be kept of the running of the clock. Only one test
need apply".
22. Only one puncture or print be necessary to record each arrival.
23. Mr. C.B. Mussard of 1 Benson St., Penclawdd, Swansea, SA4 3XY. Tel: 01792 850349, can be recognised Clock Repairer for
the Welsh Homing Pigeon Union.
24. If at any time a fancier should require a Velocity, then he or she must have his or her clock raked out and checked at the
same marking station at which it was set.
25. That at setting, provided the mechanism allows, all clocks must be running before stamping/puncturing against the Master
26. Quartz (Junior) T3 Computer Clocks on checking a data print out must be obtained and sufficient clear white paper allowed
to provide room for:
(a) Name of Organisation.
(b) Racepoint.
(c) Two (2) signatures of Official Clock Setters or whomsoever they appoint. The printed information on what must be a
complete unbroken strip of paper must be cross-checked against the digital display information in the clock itself. THIS
event of a power cut, or breakdown on the print- out, information contained on the digital display will be manually recorded
on a sheet of paper together with information and signatures called for in this Rule. Only after two (2) copies of the
information have been extracted, cross checked and found correct, will the seal be removed and the clock opened, after
which one container or rubber only shall be taken at a time from the clock and checked.
27. That a maximum tolerance often ten (10) be placed on the Dolometer of STB Clocks, however, should the Dolometer move
from eleven (11) to thirty (30), the clock should be investigated, but not disqualified - there- after if the clock moves into
the black the clock will be disqualified.
28. Wind-up clocks used in competition must be reset following a three (3) day holdover of a race. Failure to comply with Rule
will result in automatic disqualification of
fancier and clock. These conditions do not apply to Electro Mechanical, Electrical Clocks and Printouts as these clocks will
be exempt from a re-set.