ETS Rules
1. The use of an approved Electronic Timing System (ETS) shall be allowed in all races held under WHPU Rules.
2. Electronic Timing Systems (ETS) must be approved for use by the Executive Body of the WHPU and must comply by the
Unives 1.7 protocol. Each system must comply with the manufacturer’s specifications and have the latest software update,
and must be operated in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
3. The electronic chip ring must be supplied by an approved manufacturer and contain a chip with a ring code that is
approved by the Executive Body of the WHPU.
4. Electronic chip rings must be assigned within the ETS clock to each pigeon. A list of the assignments must be printed and
retained by the Club/National and a copy made available to the Member, with each copy bearing the signature of an
authorised Official and the Member. The Members copy is open to inspection by any other Organisations to which he is
affiliated. A new assignment list must be printed after any amendments or additions are made. The assignment of rings on
the day of race entry shall be at the discretion of the Organisation.
5. The Club system shall be retained by the Organisation in a secure position.
6. The operation of the Club system for race entry and clocking read-out must be carried out by two (2) or more authorised
Officials of the Organisation. All non-Officials must remain a minimum distance of one (1) metre away from the Club
system when the race entry process is being carried out.
7. The Club system must be synchronised by an automated time signal prior to race entry and clocking read-out. This time
signal must be received from a radio-clock or satellite receiver. Where no satellite signal is available, the Club System must be set using the Greenwich Time Signal (TIM) or a radio controlled clock. (Not a Mobile Phone)
8. No competitor shall be permitted to take part in the any of the procedures of the race entry or the clocking read-out of his
own entry. Contravention of this Rule will entail disqualification and disciplinary action.
9. Prior to the race entry and the clocking read-out an authorised Official of the Organisation should visually inspect the ETS
clock for a any signs of entry or damage to the casing or seals of the clock. Stickers or other coverings shall not be
allowed to obstruct the inspection of the clock. Should any evidence be found, then the clock will be rejected for use and
the Organisation shall have the power to retain the clock for further investigation.
10. For each and every bird entered, the designated Official must confirm that the ring number details appearing on the
system display correspond fully with the life ring on the pigeon before the pigeon is permitted to be entered. In
circumstances where the details do not correspond or where the electronic chip is faulty or lost, then another electronic
chip may be assigned to the pigeon using the emergency procedures of the system.
11. A permanent record of the race entries and the clocking times must be printed directly from a compatible ETS printer
when not connected to a computer, with a copy taken for the Organisation and a copy for the competitor. The printed
record must contain the date and time of production, Club system serial number, ETS clock serial number, competitors
name, race point and date. After confirming that the printed information is correct and complete each copy must be
signed by two (2) authorised Officials and the competitor or his representative.
12. The clocking list must be inspected to ensure that no errors are identified by the system with regards to changes in the
secret code allocated to the electronic ring at race entry. Where a discrepancy is found, then that pigeon must be declared
13. The Organisation must retain a copy of all assignments lists, race entry sheets and clocking sheets for a minimum period
of one year.
14. Antenna pads must not be positioned on any landing boards or other surface where they may read the electronic chip
before the pigeon is confined within the loft. Club, Federation, Combine or WHPU Executive Members have the power to
make an inspection at the loft to ensure compliance with this Rule. Contravention will lead to disciplinary action.
15. In the event of an escape of pigeons from a transporter, then where required, for the pigeons affected and remaining,
those entered using ETS must have their life ring number recorded before liberation.
16. Sensor pads to be numbered and sealed in position.