Welsh Homing Pigeon Union
Founded 1933
The Office will be closed from Monday 24th February, We will reopen Monday 3rd March.
Office Hours
​9.30 - 4pm Monday - Friday
Telephone: 01443 441010
Please be advised that the answerphone is on continuously. Calls cannot be answered,
however all messages are responded to daily, except for weekends and Bank Holidays
Email: gail@whpu.co.uk
About Us
The Welsh Homing Pigeon Union is the Governing body for Pigeon Racing in Wales and was founded on the 25th of November 1933. The purpose of the WHPU is to administer Pigeon Racing throughout Wales.
The Welsh Homing Pigeon Union is an Organisation run by elected Officers and Councillors. All Councillors are nominated by the Individual Federations which are Affiliated to the WHPU, with the Officials being elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
All Clubs have the opportunity to submit Notices of Motion to the AGM, these Notices of Motion are voted on by Club delegates present.
The objects of the Union are to control the pigeon fancy in Wales for the benefit of both economic and administrative of all its Members. To encourage the Sport of Long Distance Flying. To arbitrate and adjudicate in all cases and disputes brought to its notice and to maintain through its administration the discipline and interest of its Members. To establish a uniform system of measurement for all flying routes, along with a uniform system of timing.
Annually, for the best performances within the principality, the WHU award its five prestigious Trophies: -
The Queens Cup, T G Buffett Memorial Trophy (runner up to Queens), Prince of Wales (opposite route to Queens winner), qualification of these Trophies must be 300 miles or over. Taffy Bowen Sprint Cup, (up to 300 miles), and J O Davies Young bird. The awards of these Trophies are adjudicated by outside bodies. Applications can be found on the document page. (please note there will be a closing date at the end of the racing season for applications)
WHU Ring Lists 2014 - 22 are available on our Ring List Page, Please check first to find the owners direct telephone number.
If a racing pigeon is lost or flown out it may land near a house or garden area to rest. Pigeons eat grain (wild bird seed, corn, dried peas, lentils or even dried rice), if you give it grain and access to water with a little sugar, in most cases the pigeon will eat, rest, then fly off. If it does not leave within a few days and you are able, we suggest you catch and contain the pigeon. Once the bird is contained you may find the phone number of the owner stamped on the wing or on a ring on the birds leg. If no phone numbers are found you can contact the appropriate Organisation according to the ring prefix on the birds leg. In doing this the owner may be notified and arrangements may possibly be made for collection.
For further advice please telephone 01443 441010 Mon-Fri 9.30am - 4.00pm or email gail@whpu.co.uk
All rings with the prefix WHU will read, e.g. WHU 2022 D 12345, please ensure you have the full ring number in order for us to locate the owner.